Trump & Death (2020) - after Brugel Triumph of Death 1562
Brugel's epic panorama Triumph of Death painted in 1562 is a nightmarish vista of terror and despair. It depicts death in many forms taking the living. In art we find reflections of the human experience. This particular painting strikes me as pertinent at the beginning of what is likely to be a very long pandemic. Knowing that we can see Brugel's work almost 500 years later is a soothing reminder of our species resilience and brilliance.
In the bottom left hand corner of Brugel's Triumph of Death is a king slouched toward the ground being taunted by skeletons.
Inspired, I did this work Trump and Death. Now, I'm concerned that I may be misinterpreted here, I do not imply that President Trump is solely to blame for the viral disaster that is unfolding in America, however, I do wish to assert that his outright ignorance and self-obsessed megalomania has/and will cause many, many deaths.
If this pandemic experience does not teach the majority of us humans that we are a fragile species that need to have some control over our selves and our greed, to strive for higher ideals such as compassion and wisdom then we are not going to be around another 500 years.
If I may share some links for your perusal: As previously shared here is Ed Yong's piece on potential outcomes of this crisis
Naomi Klien's excellent video
Of course our national meme-magnate Jordan Sparks Seth Myers kindly packages Trump's revisionist lies
John Oliver's recent piece (although 4 days ago seems like quite some time)
Information on Brugel's original
Museo del Prado
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Ubiquitous blue book
Instomatic gratification station I too am a twitter critter - (Yes I am one of many who trolls Sky News and Alan Jones - it's my civic duty) - (yes I understand the irony of being on twitter while complaining about its influence)
Patreon - you could be my lucky second subscriber! Also you'd see the images at a higher resolution... wow!
If you got through this I thank you for your time and wish you the best day possible. To the Medical professionals out there all over the world I thank you. You are much stronger than I. Finally - a song